Battlefield 3 Features

Preview: Panic over – while clearly inspired by Call of Duty in areas, this is still the Battlefield you fell in love with years ago.
The fight between EA and Activision for first person shooter dominance this year is getting more and more shouty and ridiculous all the time, and that’s why at E3 2011 I was bloody glad to finally get my hands on Battlefield 3. No twelve-minute trailers, no hyperbole – just me, a hyper-powered PC, a bunch of fellow games writers for team mates and one big multiplayer...

Interview: Battlefield 3 approaches it's final hours...
It's only three weeks away (two weeks if you're in the US), and anticipation is mounting as Battlefield 3 creeps closer, and closer. The war of words between EA and Activision has cranked the hype up to stupid levels, but Strategy Informer endeavours to cut through it all and to bring you something tangible. We spoke to Producer Patrick Liu about the game's final hours...

Preview: The countdown starts now...
As the days count down to a major release, many emotions can boil to the surface: anticipation, excitement, trepidation, worry, cravings if you also happen to be pregnant... for us, we were more worried than we wanted to be about Battlefield 3, but mainly because we only had the open beta to go on and little other hands-on time with one of our favourite franchises. Thankfully, we...