World of Warcraft: Legion Latest Updates
Blizzard Just Banned World Of Warcraft's Offending High-End Raiders To Issue A Warning About RMT

Annoyed by gold farmers infesting your MMO of choice while you regularly ask other players for cash to boost them through content? You're no different from them, and Blizzard is about to step all over you.
Blizzard Will Begin Phasing Out Windows XP/Vista By The End Of The Year

Just like how Square Enix wants people to move away from the limits of a 32-bit operating system, Blizzard wants to phase out relics of the past.
The World of Warcraft 7.15 Hotfix Makes A Few Notable Class Changes

World of Warcraft has managed to climb its way up to the 7.X set of patches with the release of the Legion expansion last year. We may not have Patch 7.2 for a few months yet, but a recent hotfix brings a few class changes that give off a minor feeling of patch day.
Nostalrius Fall Back On Elysium Legacy Server Deal - Wants World Of Warcraft Players To Unite

Just one short month after gifting their server code to Elysium to bring the hopes and dreams of a private, vanilla, World of Warcraft server to fruition, the Nostalrius team is hoping the group will relinquish their generous gift.
World of Warcraft Error Code 51900314 - What's the cause and how to fix it

We have gathered a list of the twelve most common error codes in World of Warcraft and how you can potentially fix them without having to go through the lengthy process of contacting support or waiting for a patch.