Microsoft’s Xbox Live boss Eric Kilgore revealed in Seattle, via Develop, that Avatars in-game won’t be doing anything above an E-rated game, or at least for now.
He said they’re ”still developing the final policies” on what developer studios can and cannot do with the Avatars. They go beyond the dashboard and games too.
”The final guide we have this year is to think of them in an ‘E10’ context. That doesn’t mean it won’t change - but this Fall they won’t be able to blow each other’s heads off,” Kilgore explained, while presumably not drawing too much attention to his ‘R’ rated surname.
The Avatars will function much in the same way as Gamertags do now so gamers can plaster them on discussion forums, websites and social networking pages.
”We think it’s really important that these things can scale between in game and out of game, and how we can use them on the web,” he said.
Source: CVG