According to German gaming site Gamona an ”internal source” has revealed the 360 RPG is on its way to desktop, reports IGN. February 15th to be exact.
Lionhead’s Sam, aside from not knowing how to spell ‘baloney’, has revealed this platform ‘snitching’ going on is a load of old tosh and codswallop. Oh fiddlesticks.
”According to German gaming site Gamona, an internal source said the game is coming out for the platform on February 15, 2009,” says the IGN piece.
”Confirmed for PC? That’s a load of balony!” posts Sam, Lionhead’s head cub for community matters.
Fable II has done tremendously well on the Xbox 360 and has achieved great praise from critics. The game hasn’t been without some hiccups that still trouble it today but Lionhead are working to address the issues.
DLC has been announced for the RPG this December, it will add a whole new island but not so new that fans of the original won’t recognise this troubled land.