Console gamers have been able to enjoy the undead-infested DLC offering for Borderlands, but so to can PC owners, soon-ish.
Though Gearbox wish they ”had a date for you”, at least another update is in the pipeline. Could a Borderlands sequel be called ‘Borderworlds’?
”DLC is on its way for PC (wish I had a date for you) and we have another update on the way as well with several fixes :)” twittered Gearbox.
The new trademarking from Gearbox, for something called Borderworlds, was spotted by superannuation. This could be the ”super secret project” that was teased by Mike Neumann, or just a predictable title for an MMO or something. Who knows?!
What we want is that lovely new update with fixes to get here, as you can never have enough fixes for your videogames - ever.