Q-Games president and executive producer Dylan Cuthbert has revealed there’s more PixelJunk goodness heading to PSN this year, a lot more.
His PS Blog also alluded to a patch for Eden which’ll be released sometime around ”the second week or so of January”. What PixelJunk creations will they have in store?!
”Here’s to an amazing 2009 for gaming as I am sure it is going to be, what with two or three more PixelJunk titles coming out, right!?” proclaimed PixelJunkie Cuthbert, on the PlayStation.Blog.
In reply to a post he adds that ”around the second week or so of January there will be a patch which makes (among other things) the large crystals replenish a whole half of your oscillator meter instead of a third.”
”That should help you with garden 7.”
Source: CVG