One thing you can’t take away from CCP’s EVE Online is the chance for some real bastardry, some down and dirty politics, real dodgy book keeping. What’s the latest drama?
A Council of Steller Management member has ‘voluntarily’ resigned after having been found guilty of ‘insider trading’. Adam Ridgway has been ‘condemned’ by the CSM, ”broke the trust”.
Councillor Ridgway is replaced by fellow EVE Onliner Michele Boland, who was not too long ago the target of public ‘assassination’ during a player tournament, by one of her own team members.
”…the thought of using any information gained to aid my position in game never crossed my mind. However, we are all human and when presented with this information the urge to act on it was too great,” issued the disgraced Ridgway in a statement.
”CCP have invested a huge amount of time, effort, money and most importantly trust into the CSM. My actions in some way have undermined that which is why I have no choice but to resign from the CSM. It is a voluntary act,” he continued.
”I apologise to those who voted for me and those who relied on me to give them a voice in a council… I have had a tremendous time on the CSM.” Especially that 2.5 billion ISK eh?
The CSM is notably upset, mainly because this would draw attention to their own financial dealings most likely. They banded together, shook their fists and said: ”The rest of the Council condemns his actions and would like to express our sincere apologies to the players for this breach of trust. We cannot and will not tolerate such conduct within our ranks.”
The dodgy dealer Ridgway ”broke the agreement between him and CCP, and more so, broke the trust he had build with other members of the council,” offered the developer.
There you have it, EVE Online just can’t be beat for scandal. There’s more on Massively.