The entire Jedi Knight series, featuring loveable ex-Imperial Kyle Katarn, is debuting on Steam this week on the 16th, and also on Direct2Drive. Remember those classics?
While not packing quite the same physics-based punch as the recent Force Unleashed, it never-the-less was the first real lightsabering fans could sink their teeth into; a gem of Star Wars.
”Oh - and Dark Forces/Jedi Knight’s pack of awesomeness will be hitting D2D and Steam on the 16th. Love those games. Outcast MultiPlayer FTW!” twittered LucasArts.
There’s no word on price yet but frankly the whole collection is worth its wait in gold, well, except maybe a certain Academy of Jedi. Can you resist the manic Jedi jumps and swooshing of your ligthsaber? Then there’s the lightning and force choke…
Source: Eurogamer