Robot Entertainment, one of many new splinter studios from former Ensemble, has revealed some initial gossip on the next update.
It will address ”matchmaking bugs, balances a few things” inside and out of gameplay with a new feature on the way too. The two bonus units will be multiplayer friendly as well.
”This Title Update fixes some matchmaking bugs, balances a few things inside and outside of gameplay, and adds a small feature that fans have been asking for. The Patch was developed around fan feedback, so hopefully players will be happy,” posts the developer.
”The first piece of news is that the Prophet of Regret’s speed on land has been reduced to match the other leaders. This helps balance the Prophet Rush that was stymieing a lot of players. The second piece of news is that the Flaming Warthog and the Honor Guard Wraith will now be available in Multiplayer battles against other players.”
More information will be released on the impending title update for Halo Wars ”over the next few weeks.” There appears to be no timeframe for a release yet.
Source: Joystiq