Assassin’s Creed II is the first Ubi title to feature Uplay support, which means actions and accomplishments earn ”Win Units” to be spent.
It’s like a micro-transaction shop but the points are earned from playing the games, which can then be used to buy ”exclusive in-game content”.
In-game rewards for Assassin’s Creed II include the Auditore Family Crypt and an Altair costume, and Ubi say that Splinter Cell: Conviction will be joining Uplay too. All these points can be earned and saved across multiple games and platforms.
They blurb it as ”a connected gaming universe,” with the Uplay service currently in its beta form, and only the latest Assassin’s Creed offers stuff for now. Uplay Help, Uplay Shop and Uplay Share are limited to the website.
An interesting twist on micro-transactions? The next step for achievements?