Half of survey group said the industry was ”poor” in protecting minors from such games. This contradicts the ESRB’s findings in an ‘09 report.
The 2009 ESA annual report found that 87 percent of parents were well aware of the ESRB ratings that come with videogames sold in the US and that 76 percent of parents checked the certification awarded a game before deciding whether to make a purchase.
It’s still amazing that parents want something like ‘violent games for minors banned’ when all they need do is not buy them for little Jimmy, or confiscate them if he gets them bought for him - it’s called parenting, though I’ll double check my sources on that.
Before videogames it was movies and TV that corrupted our youth yet both are streamed into our society with incredibly lax oversight when compared to videogames. You know what should be banned for minors, or at least 18-rated? Religion - there I said it.