Capcom have said it’s a sure bet they’ll ”bridge a link” to Dead Rising 3 with more digital bite size releases, but they ”don’t want to say episodic” - yuck.
”Obviously, with all of that success on Dead Rising 2, it makes sense to move onto Dead Rising 3,” said Capcom’s COO David Reeves. ”I think that they may extend it by bringing in new characters and new interactions, or bring back others from before.”
”The idea would be that we’ll bring digital content to bridge a link between DR2 and DR3. It’s a bit like an online game in that way - a continuous story. I don’t want to say episodic, but I think you’ll be find there’ll be scriptwriters coming in”, to continue the story.
In September Capcom launched a full bid to acquire Dead Rising 2 developer Blue Castle Games, a Canandian-based studio, because of their stellar work with the series. Case Zero was a prologue to DR2 whereas Case West sees DR1’s Frank West return.
Have you played Dead Rising 2: Case Zero?