Except this Commodore 64 is packing serious heat! It’s got an Intel 1.8ghz dual-core, 2GB DDR3 RAM, a Nvidia Ion2 chipset and even a Blu-ray player.
The 8-bit machine has been recreated almost perfectly to the original design by Commodore, except the tech guts of the beast have been seriously booted this side of the millennium. ”No expense has been spared” in creating this modern day retro icon.
1080p resolutions and 6 channel HD audio is supported for TVs or monitors, and it even includes wireless for streaming. The C64x is being hailed as a PC in its own right and you can even go so far as to install the latest version of Microsoft Windows if you please.
The C64x is being priced at $595 with Commodore taking preorders, and it’s expected to start shipping out between May and June. Commodore 64x can handle Crysis no sweat. It also packs an original Commodore 64 emulator for that old skool feel of gaming.