According to Murray, ”The changes we’ve made - and I think people will understand when they’ve played the Special Edition - change the game in ways that I think would be really weird for us to bring over to PSN. We’ve removed levels we just didn’t like. It might be someone’s favourite level, and it would just disappear.”
The updates to the game were thorough. Some of the changes are due to the developer doing research on the player usage stats, especially that which indicated which parts of the game were causing people to put the controller down. ”We’ve made certain things easier and certain things harder. We’ve changed the way certain things unlock. So someone would be half way through and just go, ‘Oh, I thought I had that level unlocked and now it’s locked again.’ It’s impractical to do that. We can’t do that,” related Murray, ”Most people when they port a game they just do that - it’s literally exactly the same. That went against… I wouldn’t do that. It would be very boring. We took it on as a creative, fun thing to do.”
Murray also stated that while some PlayStation 3 fans were upset at the game landing on the 360, in general, fans have been happy about the XBLA version. “I’ve got a lot of emails from people who are really supportive and I think genuinely most people are. For a small indie studio to be bringing out their game on another platform isn’t a big deal for them,” he said.
Joe Danger: Special Edition will be released on Xbox Live Arcade sometime this coming Winter.