The new SSX dropped the ‘Deadly Descents’ tag because it ”was misguided” as it emphasised too much on survival, and not racing or tricks; pillars of SSX.
”Yeah, there are plans. But I haven’t been told when that’s going to happen,” said EA’s Sean Smillie. Some fans of the series are upset over the ‘darker tone’ this new instalment is taking compared to the action arcade style of the previous games.
”It sort of has to do with the three pillars of gameplay I’ve always mentioned,” added producer Smillie, revealing why Deadly Descent was dropped from the name.
”With Deadly Descents, we were trying to get across that we had something new and different to do in SSX. I think the messaging was misguided. With Deadly Descents it sort of focused on “Survive It”, but what it didn’t do was reassure people that yes, we are still doing race and trick too.” The SSX pillars are: Race It, Trick It, Survive It.
”The other parts of the game weren’t being represented properly, so we dropped Deadly Descents and just went with SSX,” he concluded.
SSX releases on Xbox 360 and PS3 in January 2012.