There, the player will find themselves stuck in a massive virtual reality simulation. According to the announcement, ”This simulation program looks and feels like Steelport, but it is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth. Here, you are a slave. Welcome… to the Dominatrix.”
This simulation, however, will allow the gamer to give his character superpowers.
According to THQ CEO Danny Bilson, ”Faster than a speeding cyber jetbike, more powerful than a roided-out Luchadore, able to leap flying aircraft carriers in a single bound… That’s the power you’ll find inside the Dominatrix. Use it for good. Use it for evil. Use it for whatever you want. As always in Saints Row, it’s up to you.”
Saints Row: The Third was released on the 15th November 2011, and earned an 8.0/10 score in Strategy Informer’s review.