A New York Times reporter has spent some time inside Valve’s Seattle HQ. We all know the company loves to keep secrets and tease consumers. Not mentioning Half-Life 3, it seems the studio have been working on some interesting gaming goggles.
”Every way I look, the scene shifts, the battle unfolds,” wrote reporter Stuart Isett. ”I have a crazy contraption strapped to my head: a boxy set of goggles that looks like a 22nd-century version of a View-Master. It immerses me in a virtual world. I whirl one way and see zombies preparing to snack on my flesh. I turn another and wonder what fresh hell awaits.””The goggles I’m wearing - reminiscent of the ones Google recently unveiled to much hoopla - could unlock new game-playing opportunities,” the report added. “This technology could let players lose themselves inside a virtual reality and, eventually, blend games with their views of the physical world.”
Isett’s report comes on the back of the announcement that Valve is ”frustrated by the lack of innovation in the computer hardware space.”
Should we ready ourselves for a next-gen Valve innovation? Knowing them, we wont find out for a while.