Its creator offers no absolutes that it will work perfectly for everyone, and not break the game somehow. A DLL file and a text file are simply placed within the Dark Souls directory and voila!
Generally a PC release can be seen as a boon what with all that extra muscle, but From Software ”haven’t been able to step up into doing any specific optimisation for PC.”
That admission comes from the Japanese developer who declared they had a ”tough time” with the PC port of Dark Souls; a limited resolution of just 1024x768 certainly affirms that. ”In Japan there’s not much of a PC market and we haven’t really taken into consideration that audience before,” they said.
”We wanted to get the PC version out as soon as possible, it’s more strictly a port from the console version.” Such direct ports are rarely received well by the PC community but at least fan ingenuity has taken steps to try and correct the heinous crime of locking the RPG at such a low and outdated resolution.
For more information about the ’DSfix’ mod check out the NeoGAF thread. Known issues for the mod so far are message texts not rendering correctly, which they are working on, non-compliance with in-game AA and poor framerate with AMD cards; Nvidia chipsets ‘seem fine’ however.