However pre-orders continue for the ‘too naughty’ title via Steam in Australia, with a ‘low violence version’ being sold. Publisher Deep Silver has ‘no comment’ on the situation.
Obviously they don’t want the pesky fact that it’s strictly prohibited for sale to stop them from raking in pre-purchase monies through Steam; they anticipate an R18+ sticker.
How much of the ’unjustified violence’ will the Volition team be stripping out? It’s likely that alien probe weapon is a goner - stuffed where the sun don’t shine, code-wise. Drugs were another issue for the Australian Classification Board.
”In the Board’s opinion, Saints Row IV, includes interactive, visual depictions of implied sexual violence which are not justified by context. In addition, the game includes elements of illicit or proscribed drug use related to incentives or rewards. Such depictions are prohibited by the computer games guidelines,” said ACB acting director Donald McDonald.
Saints Row IV releases on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC August 20th in the US, 23rd in EU.