Gangs return in GTA V, and naturally they have little love for law enforcement. If you happen to be in the crosshairs of the police then use the gangs to draw fire. Apparently they love trading bullets with cops.
It’s just another little way Rockstar lets us use the game world to help us pull off those big heists. Gangs and the police in GTA have never gotten along, often brawling.
Then again, the mall cops and actual cops never got along either. Vice City was an 80s blast to be sure, and watching cops and mall security give each other a beat down was always a little amusing. ”In GTAV, street gangs are still a problem in Los Santos,” posted GameStop, ”while the Lost Motorcycle Club is making moves in Blaine County.”
”Some gangs are more interested in fighting the cops than each other - use that to your advantage when escaping the authorities.” Perhaps some at GameStop have gotten an early peek at the official gameplay trailer due soon? Hopefully Rockstar will be giving us a good look at the various kinds of crazy they have planned in GTA V.
Don’t forget to get those Xbox 360 and PS3 HDDs nice and clean as you need 8GB of space for a mandatory install. Grand Theft Auto V releases on Xbox 360 and PS3 September 17th.