Mirror’s Edge 2 was announced at E3 2013, to the joy of many videogame fans. DICE exec producer Patrick Bach revealed in an interview at GamesCom 2013 that DICE was the one who was holding back the sequel, not Electronic Arts.
According to Bach, “I think we are the bad cop in most cases when it comes to scrutinizing ideas and IPs and features, or whatever it might be. We would not try to pitch something that we didn’t believe in, and that takes time.”
He went on to say, ”In general, EA is very positive about us, like (asking us), ‘What do you want?’, instead of someone telling you, ‘Build this, do that’.”
DICE managed to push Electronic Arts into getting the videogame license for Star Wars so they could develop Star Wars: Battlefield, indicating how much of an influence the developer has on the publisher.