What, you thought you’d just be dealing with the same old hulking Mutons and Berserkers in XCOM 2? Guess again. A new hulking mass of organics and machinery is going to be entering the fray. Say hello to (or run for your life from) the Andromedon.
Announced on the official XCOM 2 website today, the Andromedon itself is an intelligent creature operating a bulky battle suit. These fellows operate with more intelligence than their other brutish cohorts, but also pack the firepower, strength, and defenses of refined machinery according to info on the site.
“The Battlesuit provides tactical benefits to the Andromedon: it can tear down most walls with ease and devastate XCOM soldiers with powerful melee strikes. Rangers, take note!…Our observations have also revealed the Andromedon is immune to fire, poison and acid, so don’t bother wasting your enhanced ammunition when encountering this elite alien unit.”
That’s not all either. The Andromedon Battlesuit houses an acidic substance that it can and will launch like a grenade, splashing an area and ensuring all caught within are going to have a very bad day. It would appear that some very quick and careful planning is going to have to take place once an Andromedon takes the field. It seems like one would be enough to warrant a few change in tactics and priorities, let alone a team of them.
Have your tactics ready by February 5th, 2016, because that’s when the Andromedon and the rest of XCOM 2 are coming on PC and Linux.