When I originally posted the story on the Fallout 4 mod in which you could load character models and outfits for current and classic Red Sox players into the game, I theorized that it would take Bethesda producing MLB DLC of their own for this to be an actual problem. I spoke too soon. The MLB recently threatened possible legal ramification if the mod isn’t pulled down.
This news comes from the Boston Globe, with whom a representative of the MLB recently communicated about the Fallout 4 mod.
“The use of these marks is an infringement of our rights,” said the MLB representative in an email to the Globe. “We plan to enforce those rights,”
Richie Branson, who has been quite up front with the mod, leaving his name on the Nexus mod page to which he posted it. Branson expressed surprise at the MLB’s response to his mod and was willing to defend his creation and distribution of it.
“Basically, I think it was the only thing missing from the game. You’ve got Fenway Park, the Green Monster, and all of Boston, but there weren’t any Red Sox jerseys,” said Branson. “I’m not trying to sell this counterfeit Red Sox jersey. I’m putting a free Red Sox graphic into a game that already insinuates the Red Sox are in the game, at Fenway Park.”
Nonetheless, Branson stated that he didn’t have the time or the money to go to legal battle with the MLB should they have chosen to pursue the course of action.
It’s unfortunate to say the least. There’s certainly a valid point to be made in that the mod might be considered fan art rather than a malicious counterfeit of IP used for profit. Still, it would appear that the Nexus Mods page to which this one was posted is under review and unavailable at this time. It was a quality piece of work and hopefully won’t sour the creator’s continued work on quality content for the game.