Creative Assembly has released a new developer diary highlighting one of the units to be featured in their upcoming strategy game Total War: Warhammer. After showing off the Chaos Warriors and Night Goblins, this time the boar riding Savage Orc Boar Boyz Big’Uns are the focus.
As the video states, the Savage Orcs are Greenskins who enjoy being brutes who harken back to the old days. ”Dressed in nothing but a rancid loincloth and tribal blue warpaint, the Savage Orcs are an intimidating force, even amongst other Orcs,” explains the developer.
Big’Uns are the strongest and biggest of Greenskin society. Savage Orc Big’Uns are just plain terrifying. ”Mounted on boar-back, they are almost unstoppable,” observed the developer. ”These heavy hitters represent the most elite cavalry the Greenskins have to offer, and are some of the most formidable in the Old World.”
Total War: Warhammer is due to be released sometime in 2016, and is shaping up to everything a Games Workshop fan could want.