Total War: Warhammer’s (I can’t quite get over how awkward that title is) Dwarf faction is built very much on defensive lines; you clump together your bearded warriors, set up a field of crossbow and rifle fire, and pummel the hell out of anything that moves with your heavy artillery.
It’s the latter unit that’s under the spotlight in this latest spotlight video from The Creative Assembly. Dwarfen Artillery teams are experts at siege warfare, but equally skilled at transforming charging orks into scattered blobs of meat.
”One of four playable races in the initial launch of Total War: WARHAMMER,” writes CA, ”the Dwarfs are gifted engineers exhibiting incredible ingenuity, technical know-how and buckets of design flare. As such, artillery will form the cornerstone of any self-respecting Dwarfen army and its devastating power can more than compensate for any perceived shortcomings of this proud and mighty race.”
So, not very good at running about, but very good at blowing things up. Definitely the army for me. Total War: Warhammer is set for release next year.