Techland has unleashed the bug fix horde of Patch 1.2.1 for Dying Light, and atop the changelog are ”general and configuration-specific” optimisations for performance. They also tackled some crashes.
Audio issues were bludgeoned too, and there’ll be no more of that weapon duplication going on! They’ve also limited the camera FOV when in cutscenes if you tweak the in-game FOV slider.
Still on the naughty list are AMD-related performance woes, freezes in connection with Nvidia’s Depth of Field setting, and ”unsatisfactory performance” on multi-GPU setups like SLI or Crossfire. Hopefully Techland has managed to spread the CPU load of Dying Light, and not stress just the first core.
They’ve got a list of Linux-specific fixes too. Check out Patch 1.2.1’s full changelog for details.
Patch 1.2.1:
• numerous performance optimizations, both general and configuration-specific, that resolve many performance problems
• compatibility fixes – related to language and regional system settings
• fixes a number of crashes in various situations
• blocked cheating by changing game’s data files
• new issue tracking mechanisms (-safemode switch, additional logs, minidumps always, full dumps on request)
• numerous audio compatibility fixes
Bug fixing:
• resolved disappearing inventory in a save game in specific circumstances
• resolved blocked using of items after breaking reloading of shooting weapon
• removed weapon duplication glitch of throwable weapons
• limited camera field of view on cutscenes when in-game FOV set to other than default
• lowered frequency of docket availability information
• performance issues of systems based on the AMD processor
• freezes when using Nvidia DoF
• unsatisfactory performance on multi-GPU systems