Completely oblivious to exactly how far this cuboid world we now live in truly stretches, the latest twist of fate comes in the form of the first official Minecraft novel being penned by a guy regularly appreciated for his darker, violent creations like World War Z and The Extinction Parade.
It's entirely possible creators Mojang gunned for Max Brooks for his experience telling tales of survival against huge odds, Brooks himself has commented on how it " “finally justify all those hours I’ve spent playing Minecraft.". How big a cube fan he really is isn't out in the open. But you don't really need to play all that much of vanilla Minecraft to know how even the land itself is out to kill you in that pointy generated world.
While there's no mention of a release date, Mojang described the novel as "cuboid Robinson Crusoe, but madder,”. We doubt it'll be going full Alice in Wonderland on us, but there's a lot of blocky monsters looking to get the drop on you in that game, and Max seems to love nothing but getting people killed on the page.
It might not be the first game you think of when it comes to a novelization, butt there's honestly no reason why it couldn't work out just fine.