Despite Steam Greenlight going the way of the dodo before long, Steam Early Access is still giving players the chance to play a game way before it would usually be considered up to scratch. Oh My Godheads is another entering the system - ableit with a catchier jingle than most.
Giving off the impression of a child's plastic plaything by sounding like a Tomy advertisement on a cartoon channel, Oh My Godheads is a party game is all about capturing violent heads in a low-poly environment.
As more and more games surface on Steam, it's becoming increasingly more difficult to find a good couch co-op game for you and your many companions. We're creeping up to the weekend yet again; so perhaps Oh My Godheads could be the multiplayer game to entertain your weekend guests.
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Pick your character, pick your map and "Sprint headlong into a multiplayer world of fast and frenetic, Capture-the-Head, mayhem", as its description tells you. Understandably, Gods don't much care for being controlled - and likely aren't too pleased about being heads with no bodies. Because of that, you'll need to be careful when transporting a successfully acquired head. They can kill.
Check out the trailer and judge it for yourself. The backing track could either make or break the footage depending on your personal tastes, but underneath, it looks like a steady attempt at providing some solidly entertaining co-op action. Now, if only we had a release date...