Developer Remedy Entertainment has already confirmed that its action-adventure title Control will receive post-launch DLC, although without delving too deep into details.
However, the watchful eye of the community never sleeps and has uncovered that Control’s debug tool might be hinting at potential Helen Marshall DLC arriving in the future.
Control Debug Tool Marshall DLC
The debug tool string hinting at a potential Marhsall DLC for Control was spotted by YouTuber MANDFIGHTDRAGON. While exploring the debug tool’s free camera and different render options, they discovered a feature that unlocked a “Mission Select” menu.
The menu does mostly what you’d expect, letting you jump to specific missions from a list, but it also contains an entry titled “St01_MM_04_Marshall_START_Plus_PS4_SM15_Dlc”.
Given how Remedy Entertainment hasn’t yet specified who we’ll play as in Control’s DLC, it could be that one of the two planned premium expansions or free content drops will either focus more on Helen Marshall’s story or, perhaps, put her in the protagonist’s shoes.
Control is out now on PC, via the Epic Games Store, Xbox One and PS4.