Ring of Elysium is soon going to become a substantially creepier experience, what with the announcement of Ring of Elysium Night Mode - a mode of play that has seldom been explored in battle royale titles as of yet.
Ring of Elysium Night gameplay will go a step further, too, since the developers have announced special new gameplay mechanics to go with this slower take on the classic battle royale formula.
Ring of Elysium Nighttime is seemingly going to serve as yet another pivot from the core battle royale gameplay that we've already become used to. Whereas ROE's first innovation was its inclusion of extreme sports features, such as rock climbing, snowboarding, and hang gliding - all working together to provide a high-octane experience, Night mode is going to be something altogether different.
According to the press release, Ring of Elysium's Night mode is planned to introduce all-new survival features building upon the survival elements of the genre in ways that we've not yet had the chance of seeing. "Players should expect this mode to be singularly different than anything that has come in a battle royale game before it," says Tencent.
There are no details on Night mode announced just yet, but the official website is going to be revealing those as time goes by. Stay tuned for an update right here at Game Watcher!