If you're playing Warhammer: Vermintide 2, chances are that you're not doing it to take in the sights. Vermintide 2 is known for many things: incredibly intense first-person melee, the terrifying the hordes of Chaos, and its rather vicious selection of mobs for the players to cut their way through. However it's good to get a change of pace from time to time.
Enter the revamped Taal's Horn Keep, courtesy of the coming Vermintide 2 Summer Solstice!
Though Vermintide 2 hasn't shunned away from taking the players on a rather varied set of locations, these are usually dark, damp and only slightly terrifying. For something different, Fatshark have prepared a more colourful, more vivid representation of the Tall's Horn Keep to signify the Sonnstill celebrations, or the Summer Solstice.
To reflect the festivities, you'll now have the chance to splatter ratkin guts across flowery fields and chase them through colourful, lively halls of this ancient hold.
As if this wasn't great enough on its own, from 9 am PST on Friday (6th) to 9 am PST Monday (9th), you will receive experience points at twice the rate, and you can complete a new Event Quest to unlock an exclusive Portrait Frame.
The Sonnstill Celebrations event is live at the moment of writing, and will be up and running for the players to enjoy until July 12.
Alongside the event, Fatshark have also taken this chance to release the latest hotfix for Vermintide 2, which primarily focuses on fixing some clipping and effect application issues, but the audio warning mechanics for special mobs have also been improved. In practice, it will now be easier for the players to make out Packmaster Skaven as they prowl among the horde.
To end this piece on a right note, and for added contrast, here is a grisly reminder of just how grim Warhammer: Vermintide 2 usually is.