World War Z features six dedicated character classes for players to pick their specialisation from, with each class then allowing for them to be min-maxed according to personal preferences.
Best World War Z skills are unlocked quite late in the game, as you'll have to play a fair bit to gain access to them. Without delving into those, we'll instead offer you a short primer on which skills you should go for early on, so as to maximise your chances of successful mission completion.
Best Early Skills to Unlock in World War Z</h2>
Gunslinger: go for Swapping Mags, Impact Grenades, and Heavy Metal - this will give you an additional firearm at match start, faster reload times, and quick frag detonations
Hellraiser: Here Kitty will ensure an alternative aggro for when you need it, while Green Fingered and Nimble Thumbs combo will emphasize your survivability when push comes to shove
Medic: combining Triage, Paramedic, and Big Pharma will optimise your usefulness to the crew as a Medic; be the support character that you always knew you could be!
Fixer: Armory, Side Effects, and Knock Knock should be your first unlocks, and will help you stay alive long enough to unlock skills that really enhance this class's capabilities
Slasher: All Elbows and Nimble will keep you on your toes even when going hand-to-hand with the Zeke, while Zeus will greatly improve your Stun Gun sidearm
Exterminator: all about flames and continuous, long-term damage and debuff, the Exterminator unlocks you should go for first are Hangover, Rage Mode, and Heavy Metal II - not only will you keep the Zeke burning longer, but you'll also be hard to pin down, and with a heavy auto-shotty to boot
That about does it for early game unlocks in World War Z. Of course, you'd do well to balance these out with various weapon customisations as well, so as to be the very best early Zeke hunter possible. All three unlocks for any of these classes will set you back a measly 450 Supplies, so it's not much of an investment at all, considering.