Tom Clancy's The Division: Survival Latest Updates

Tom Clancy's The Division Hits Update 1.7 Tomorrow, Bringing Global Events, New Caches And Revised Rewards To Survival Mode

Tom Clancy's The Division Hits Update 1.7 Tomorrow, Bringing Global Events, New Caches And Revised Rewards To Survival Mode

Continuing Ubisoft's long-term investment, Tom Clancy's The Division will receive a fairly sizable title update tomorrow, August 15.

Division DLC delayed in favor of improving the game

Division DLC delayed in favor of improving the game

Don’t you just hate it when a major AAA release comes along, offers months of content with some issues, and then they go and release paid DLC rather than patching those problems? Well, Ubisoft is getting a step (or maybe just a half-step) ahead of the curve, because they’re delaying the next two Division expansions to focus on improvements to the core game.