Commandos 2: Men of Courage Summary
Commandos 2: Men of Courage Review
11 August 2003 | By James Garfield
Pyro Studios latest addition to the Commandos family takes the series to a whole new level. It is a delectable feast of military planning and execution which rewards the patient and contemplative gamer with hours and hours of tactical fun.
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Commandos 2 and Praetorians HD Remasters Get New Screenshots Ahead of Friday's Launch
21 January 2020 | By Bogdan Robert MateČ™
Commandos 2 and Praetorians HD remasters give the classic titles a fresh coat of paint.
Reddit compiles list of games for GameSpy's May 31st shutdown
08 April 2014 | By #author
By the end of next month the matchmaking services of GameSpy will be switched off, and that means a number of PC titles won't function properly or at all online. Exactly how far-reaching is the GameSpy service? Reddit has put together a doomsday list that includes the likes of Halo, Star Wars: Battlefront, Stronghold, the Battlefield series, Crysis, Tom Clancy titles and Quake.