Kinect Features

Preview: Motion control... with no controller? It must be our Kinect preview!
Are we becoming more tolerant of absurd names in the video games world, or is it that games are driving us all a little loopy too? We've had the Dreamcast, the Gamecube, the Wii... all names we screwed our faces up at when we first heard them, then quickly came to accept. Now we have Microsoft's latest hardware venture called Kinect, which is a clever name in one sense, and really very...

Preview: E3 2010: We take you in-depth with a preview of Microsoft's motion control venture: Kinect.
The lines to see Kinect at E3 were absolutely insane, so we have to thank Microsoft for laying on a private event on Wednesday Night where a small handful of UK-based press got the entire Microsoft booth to ourselves – after E3 had actually closed.