Major League Baseball 2K11 Latest Updates
Take-Two revenue jumps 49 percent, Housers renew contract
25 May 2011 | By #author
Fiscal year 2011 for publisher Take-Two is flush with cash thanks to a year-on-year net revenue growth of 49 percent to $1.14 billion; a profit too. There was no $108.1m loss this fiscal now passed; instead they made $53.8m. Red Dead Redemption has sold 8.5m copies since launch. What's next?
MLB 2K11, Virtua Tennis 4 demos on XBLM
01 March 2011 | By #author
Xbox 360 owners can check out the demos for two sports games, Major League Baseball 2K11 and Virtua Tennis 4, currently live right now on Xbox Live Marketplace.