X Rebirth Latest Updates
Birth of Light expansion, 4.0 update coming to X Rebirth in February

EGOSOFT has announced that the Birth of Light expansion and the 4.0 update will be launched for their spaceship sim X Rebirth this coming February 2016. Preorders for the expansion are now available as well.
X Rebirth developer Egosoft is planning further games in the X universe

X Rebirth studio Egosoft might not have exactly set the world on fire with the latest title in the long-running space sim series, but they still have plans for another game. The game – which has now received two major revisional expansions since its disappointing 2013 launch, has just been updated once again. The big addition this time is a new flight model that represents atmospheric physics, rather than zero-g.
X Rebirth Free Steam Weekend and Update Announced

Egosoft and Deep Silver have announced that they'll be kicking off a free Steam weekend for the X series from March 11 to March 13, to drop at the same time as a new update for X: Rebirth. Over that weekend from all games in the space-faring series, from the original X: Beyond The Frontier through to the X3 series and latest edition X Rebirth: The Teladi Outpost, will be available to play.
Version 3.0 and free DLC pack released for free space sim X: Rebirth

Egosoft has released version 3.0 of the rather... underwhelmingly received X: Rebirth, adding a bunch of new features and improvements. It's also released a free DLC pack, The Teladi Outpost, which brings new missions and a whole new star system containing two unique sectors, along with an arsenal of new gear for your ship.
Egosoft "extremely pleased" releasing X Rebirth 2.0, "represents a major update"

Space sim X-Rebirth is now at version 2.0 as developer Egosoft launch 'X Rebirth 2.0 - Secret Service Missions' which adds a new plot chain and membership to the Argon Federation secret service. More importantly is the slew of tweaks to the game, including an autopilot, new ship commands, a "massive overhaul" to game balancing, new start locations and more.