Aaron Greenberg an executive at Microsoft has flatly denied the software giant is in discussion with Sony regarding its Blu-ray disc format despite the early claims from Stan Glasgow, president of Sony Electronics.
”We’re the only console offering digital distribution of entertainment content,” says Greenberg.
Countering claims made by Stan Glasgow about a month ago, Aaron Greenberg told Reuters that ”Xbox is not currently in talks with Sony or the Blu-ray Association to integrate Blu-ray into the Xbox experience.”
To add even more confusion to the matter was the comments from Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer about having support for Blu-ray ”in ways that make sense.” From Greenberg’s comment though it would seem they aren’t interested in producing a peripheral player for the Sony backed format.
Microsoft also claim that stock shortages have led to the PS3 outselling their console throughout February in the US but that for every month supplies have held the Xbox360 has outsold its rival well. ”We definitely expect we will trail in February as a result of our supply constraints,” Greenberg said. ”By April, we will be in a very healthy inventory situation.” It would be a huge mistake for Microsoft not to be at strength with the impending release of Rockstar North’s Grand Theft Auto IV for the platform, set to compete with the PS3 version.
”We still think we have a great value, that we have significantly better value than Sony,” stated executive Greenberg. ”Every month we’ve actually been in stock we’ve outsold them by a 2 to 1 margin.”
Corporate speak and board-room manoeuvring… I wonder what type of marketing battles the next series of consoles will bring us. Perhaps the third world war won’t be fossil related after-all?