The latest Capcom financial report for the fiscal year of 2008 contains a wealth of data not only on Capcom but also on the games industry as a whole. The entire report is a whopping 96 pages of glossy colors and slick layouts which can be found here.
One of the more interesting facts to show up in this report is a chart listing the relative rankings of the game companies by market (excepting the North American market). The report claims on page 23 that the company with the largest market share in Europe is the massive Electronic Arts, while the Japanese market is ruled unsurprisingly by Nintendo.
The rest of the top five spots in the European market are filled by Nintendo, Ubisoft, Activision, and THQ. Capcom itself was listed in fifteenth place. The Japanese market is dominated by local companies with the remaining top five spots filled out with Namco Bandai, Square-Enix, Konami, and Capcom.