During an interview segment with MTV News at E3 Microsoft’s Don Mattrick revealed a new Halo game is in the works with Bungie, and it’s not linked with Peter Jackson.
It’s not linked with Ensemble Studios Halo Wars either; it’s an entirely new piece in the Halo universe. An apology has been posted on the Bungie site to disappointed fans.
Mattrick reassured that announcements would be coming for Halo Wars despite its lack of force at the conference. Apparently fans are already excited enough about the franchise so they didn’t need to include a too much Halo on Monday.
Posted on the official Bungie.net website, Bungie el presidente Harold Ryan has posted an apology to fans who were hyped for an announcement that didn’t come. He says the publisher – that being Microsoft – was behind the sudden change.
I guess we’ll have to see what E3 digs up this week, if anything.
Source: MTV Multiplayer