Basically you’d cough up a monthly subscription for constant updates to Guitar Hero. There’s ”a lot of issues” around music licensing.
”That’s definitely one of the things we would love to do,” Huang told The Times, reports CVG. ”There are a lot of issues around music licensing. Consumers want it; I know I want it. We’re trying to make that happen.”
Activision Blizzard CFO Thomas Tippl has said previously that core gamers would love to have additional services and pay for the privilege, as they muse bringing more World of Warcraft-like models in to practice with other franchises under their roof.
”Our gamers are telling us there’s lots of services and innovation they would like to see that they’re not getting yet. From what we see so far, additional content, as well as all the services Blizzard is offering, is that there is demand from the core gamers to pay up for that,” he explained. Could this spell the end for constant re-releases of Guitar Hero?
Right now the music game genre has joined the MMO space for eliciting over-saturated disgust from people, much like reality TV shows have. Enough please! Would you pay monthly subscriptions if it meant all the Guitar Hero DLC you could want?