What the US ”couldn’t accomplish” in 50 years they’re now ”trying to do virtually” says Cuba, regarding Black Ops’ opening objective to kill Fidel Castro.
”What the United States couldn’t accomplish in more than 50 years, they are now trying to do virtually,” said the state-run news service Cubadebate. ”This new video game is doubly perverse,” it alleges, as one perversion simply wasn’t enough for Treyarch.
”On the one hand, it glorifies the illegal assassination attempts the United States government planned against the Cuban leader… and on the other, it stimulates sociopathic attitudes in North American children and adolescents.”
The level in question has you running through the streets of Cuba trying to reach the young revolutionary to assassinate him in the name of freedom, democracy and hotdog franchise rights. Spoiler alert! The mission fails and the US enacts a trade embargo.
The 84 year-old communist Fidel Castro has supposedly survived dozens of attempts on his life, and his commie Havana has managed to outlive the Soviet Union. EA’s Mercenaries 2 caused a similar ruckus with Venezuela - poor Hugo Chavez.