E3 attendees were handed a strange black envelop with a sticker sealing it stating “Confidential”.
All that was inside it was two plastic sheets. One overlaid over the other created the illusion of a flapping insect resembling a wasp. On the other side, it gave the URL “testsubjectsneeded.com”.
Following the URL, takes you to a site which is ominous indeed. The site warns you that it’s looking for humans to “enhance”. Starting the evaluation starts a The Ring-ish video promoting the Human Preservation Project.
After you complete the odd sensory test, you are given a badge based on your answers, and prompted to “join the enlistment”, which basically has you register yourself.
Finally, once you have done so, you’re encouraged to create your “Badge”, which has you using a webcam to put your face on it along with your test results.
Is the Wasp a hint that this is for Bungie’s unannounced game, since they famously did their “I Love Bees” ARG? Stay tuned.