Why would someone want to buy a game digitally from a store counter? First and foremost, a player could get the benefit of having a disc-less format while still paying cash for the game, without having to give any sort of credit card information at all.
Also, it’s a good way to get other bonuses from in-store as well. In Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s case, players will also get:
* A digital version of Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition and Deus Ex: Invisible War(TM)
The Explosive Mission DLC Pack for in-game use in Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Double points for GameStop PowerUp Rewards members
GameStop has indicated this won’t be the last new release game it’ll be doing this for; however, older GameStop digital downloads will not be available in-store.
While it may seem strange, again, being able to purchase digital copies of a game only needing to use cash is very attractive to a large segment of the gaming population.