Team Meat’s upcoming self-described “strangest” cat genetics game Mew-Genics will offer a massive amount of kitten variety, as the developer states that there can be over 12 sextillion (that’s 10 to the 21st power) unique cats created in the game.
According to the blog post, ”So yeah, Mew-Genics will feature over 12,207,031,250,000,000,000,000 cats. its easy to assume you and your friends wont ever have the same cat. technically that number only applies to how the cat looks, if you include its personality variables that number multiplies by A LOT.. not to mention the ability variables, personal stats and a ton more secret stuff we will talk about later on.
basically you’ll never get the same cat twice, unless you clone them, and even then depending on their childhood they still wont act the same…
anyway, CATS! HOLY HELL!
Mew-Genics is coming to PC and is aiming for a 2013 release date.