Modders received a mixed message from Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford that while there will be no SDK for Borderlands 2, he still encourages modding for the shooter-RPG hybrid.
Pitchford stated, “There was a moment after Borderlands shipped where we thought about releasing an official SDK, but we found that most of what we would be able to do, was already accomplished by the gaming community.”
Modders had already hacked the original Borderlands to tweak weapon customization and tools. According to Pitchford, their efforts were “already ahead of what the firm would have been able to do.” He then added, “The best thing we could do for the community was get to work on Borderlands 2. Imagine if we’d spend a year working on an SDK for BL2.”
In other words, Pitchford’s focus was solely on developing the game, leaving the modding in the hands of the fans, trusting them to figure out how to edit the game without the use of an SDK.
Borderlands 2 is due to be released on the 18th September in North America and the 21st September for Europe for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.