It’s based around a bandit-riddled desert town called Oasis, led by the one-eyed pirate royalty Captain Scarlett. It’s ”more like Tatooine than an ocean”, teased Randy Pitchford.
Despite there being a distinct lack of the wet stuff, it’s piratey. We’ll be travelling to Oasis, which does seem to pay really handsome tribute to Star Wars’ Tatooine.
It even has hovering Skiff-like transports. ”You can sense the pirate theme across the landscape, even though there’s no water,” said Pitchford. ”It’s all dried up. It feels more like Tatooine than an ocean. These bandits have really embraced the pirate lifestyle, and there’s the legend of a treasure. That kicks off this whole adventure that the players can go on.”
Earlier leaked game data blew the surprise of Captain Scarlett as fans tore apart what they could to discover what DLC plans Gearbox had in mind. Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty is one of four major DLC releases which can be bought at a discount through the season pass. Other add-ons are planned as well.
An all-new character is available to play in Borderlands 2 - the Mechromancer.