Bioware has released an email letting Star Wars: The Old Republic subscribers know that character transfers are now available.
In the email, the developer announced, ”We are happy to announce that one or more of your characters are available for our Free Character Transfer Service. To begin your character transfer, please sign in to your account here and select “Character Transfer” from the left-side navigation. If you are in a guild, be sure to coordinate with your guildmates and reform your guild after transferring to the destination server.”
There are some restrictions, of course. The servers must be eligible for transfer, for one. Additionally, a player’s account cannot be in a banned status, and the character being transferred cannot be a guild master - they must either resign as master or demote themselves to a lower guild rank to be transferred. In addition, guild rankings and status will not be transferred.
Bioware added a Character Transfer FAQ for additional questions about transfers. It can be found here.