That is until you get yourself a fancy translator implant, of course, which would give ”better or worse translation” depending on its sophistication. Will this idea survive the cutting floor?
Naturally this would drive up development costs for the studio as having all those voice actors, written scripts and the mechanics of a translator would be no small impact.
“Decisions are not yet made, but we are thinking about some kind of system which could tell more about the game world,” said CD Projekt RED’s Sebastian Stepien. “The idea is to record everything in its original language. If there are, for example, Mexicans in the game, they will speak with slang. All performed by Mexican actors. Then a player could try a translating implant, and according to its level, he will get better or worse translation.”
Coincidentally this information was gleamed from a translation, so, it’s already working! Don’t you feel more cultured now and more immersed in our world? Hopefully that’s what foreign speak would do for Cyberpunk 2077.