Creative Assembly have let loose the modders of war with the Total War: ATTILA Assembly Kit, which gives the community the power to reshape the strategy title with new models, animations, maps and raw game data.
It basically opens up everything to be tinkered with, from little cosmetic gems to full-blown conversion projects. This goes hand-in-hand with full Steam Workshop support, and is available now in the Steam Library.
It’s available under Tools in the Library and is in beta form right now.
Assembly kit features:
▪ DaVE: enables editing of the game’s database entries.
▪ BOB: enables processing of raw data such as textures, models and animations.
▪ TeD: enables the creation of individual battlefields for land, sea and sieges.
▪ Terry: enables the editing of campaign map aesthetics such as the height-map, lighting and props. Unlike previous Assembly Kits, Terry now grants access to Terrain Raw Data, which means modders can determine which battle maps load in for specific campaign map locations. Go mod those cities!
There’s also a 60GB Terrain Raw Data resource pack to be downloaded that’s full of in-game production data for modders to play around with.
Check out the Total War: ATTILA – Assembly Kit trailer below for more.
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